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Natural Awakenings North Central New Jersey

May 2012

Spring is here and I’m feeling the love! With such glorious weather, I’ve been spending every moment I can outside. Hope you are, too.  

More and more research shows that sensible sun exposure is important to your health, especially in these latitudes where we get so little during the winter. The sun is our best source of vitamin D, which is now considered vital for bone health, and prevention of depression, cancers, autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases. There’s even some evidence that vitamin D deficiency is involved in obesity and diabetes. While D3 supplements can help, sunlight is the most reliable way to generate vitamin D in your body. 

So don’t fear the sun! Take it gradually so you don’t burn, forgo sunscreen on your body, choose chemical-free sunscreen for your face or for prolonged exposure, and try to get at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight several times a week. And did you know that you can boost your internal sunscreen by eating antioxidant-rich foods and superfoods like astaxanthin?

You’ll find other health advice in this, our Women’s Wellness issue. In “The Hormone Balancing Act” you’ll find tips on normalizing your hormones at any age through diet, exercise and supplements.  “Anti-Aging Skincare” introduces some new and some ancient techniques to fight wrinkles and sagging skin. “Liquid Taste Treats,” our collection of green drink recipes, will give you new ways to put health on the menu and help you maintain your youth and beauty from the inside out.

Family and friend time is also important to your health, so make sure you take advantage of the opportunities that abound this month—Mother’s Day, graduations and other family events are just a few. But don’t forget you-time, especially if you are a mother who must meet both the demands of family and working outside the home. Feel free to accept some nurturing. Whether you take a walk in the woods, or spend a day at the spa, enjoy some time for yourself—without guilt!

To all the moms out there, Happy Mother’s Day. We love you!