Optimism and Hope in 2021
Jan 03, 2021 11:47AM ● By Joe Dunne
Joe Dunne, Publisher
Never have I wanted to put a year in my rear-view mirror as I do with 2020. As with many of you, I am sure the year of 2021 seems to be offering us what we all need at this point—optimism and hope.
Eight years ago, I purchased my first Natural Awakenings magazine in Central New Jersey. Since then, we have been blessed with the opportunity of expanding our business with two additional magazines, one in North Central New Jersey and one in Bucks-Montgomery, Pennsylvania. For me it was, and still is, an ongoing life changing event. Over these years I have tried to write a publisher’s column drawn from my life’s experiences (I’ll be 77 this month!). I have written about love, parenting, acceptance, gratitude, empathy, the ability to be non-judgmental. Passing it on as it has been passed to me is a self-serving action. I am so grateful that this magazine has given me the opportunity to express my feelings and experiences. What a joy it is to receive feedback and know that we have given even one reader a tiny bit of inspiration, something to ponder or an awareness that affects them in a positive way.
As we look to 2021, I hope we can all agree to change, whatever that means for you. I hope we can spread the word of peace, love, empathy, understanding and patience. Our hope is that we can be that model of good, to be kind, extend the hand, help others and grow in positive ways.
I am always aware that in the mirror I will find most of my problems and all of my solutions. I can be who I want to be, I can act as I want to act. It is up to me, up to me to lay out the model and be the person I want to be in 2021. For me, it is all about my thinking, paying attention, practice being me, accepting and improving. How do I do that?
By aligning my thoughts, to see the good, do the right thing, consider others, stay on a path I am proud of, as a friend, father, husband, person.
As we welcome in this new year, I wish all of you joy, happiness, and peace, along with good health and a reminder—Smile, pass it on, make it contagious.
With peace, love and laughter,
Joe Dunne, Publisher