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Natural Awakenings North Central New Jersey

Mindful Tips for Deeper Sexual Intimacy

Jan 31, 2023 06:30AM ● By Debbie Lambert
Intimacy tips, romance, relationships

Couples get too familiar with each other over time, and the wonder and curiosity leave the bedroom. To deepen the sexual experience, couples can:

  1. Shift from knowing to curiosity. Ask yourself, “What does my partner need in this moment?” Be in tune with subtle movements and embrace them in the moment, versus thinking this is what my partner likes.
  2. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Eye-gazing in bed is a deeply spiritual activity that allows us to connect beyond our normal experiences with each other.
  3. Smile, laugh and embrace the moment with some lightness. When we smile and laugh, we are out of our heads and into our hearts. This is where we want to spend more time in general.

From Maci Daye

While most couples think they must do more to experience novelty, the best sex results from simply being there and tuning into bodily sensations. Knowing this relieves couples that are exhausted and pressured by the demands of modern life, which have been exceptional lately. They may avoid sex because they fear they must “go all the way”. However, if we are fully present, we can have magical, erotic experiences that are brief and don't necessarily involve the genitals.


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5 Top Tips to Finding Your Next Doctor

1 Keep an Open Mind! Healthcare has come a long way. Today, you have access to practitioners that branch outside of traditional medicine and aim to identify the root causes of conditions while using alternative treatments that may help you get the relief you need. Just because it’s not a pill, doesn’t make it pseudoscience.

2 Build Your Health Care Team. There is no one doctor that can be the be-all-end-all for your health needs. Be sure to have a team of practitioners with different “lenses” and areas of expertise who will treat the root cause and not just the symptom(s).

3   Environment Influences Healing. Health is multi-factorial. Your mental and emotional environment plays a pivotal role in your healing potential. Your doctors and their staff should create an office atmosphere filled with positivity so you can get the most out of your care.

4 Your Story Matters.  Before you begin any treatment, be sure to have a comprehensive consultation to discuss your health concerns. Find practitioners who welcome questions and will take the time to listen and treat you with respect.

5 Report of Findings. When it comes to our health, we often make decisions without understanding the risk versus benefits. Knowledge is an important part of the healing process and is essential to make conscious, informed health decisions. Find practitioners who take the time to explain their exam findings and the recommendations for treatment in ways that make sense to you.

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