Spravato: Finding Light After Years of Darkness

The course of healing is not necessarily a straight-line function. David Bogulavsky, M.D., knows this well. As an experienced and dedicated family physician and medical acupuncturist, his commitment to finding healing therapies for his patients has at times led him to search outside the lines for best options for care. His most recent therapeutic addition, Spravato®, has shown itself to be a godsend for his patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD).
Dr. B, as he is known by his patients, shares, “Treatment-resistant depression is diagnosed when at least two or more medications have failed to control the symptoms of depression. A number of my patients had failed to respond to medications, therapy, TMS, and I was looking for an FDA approved, scientifically proven alternative that would finally bring about some relief. That is how I came across Spravato. There’s been a lot of research and publicity lately around the clinical use of psychedelics in treatment therapy and Spravato is the only medicine of that class that is approved by the FDA for clinical treatment of depression.” On the basis of strong clinical research Spravato is now covered by most health insurances including Medicare.
“Dr. B has an amazing way of communicating. I commute two hours to the center, and I go now once a week. I look forward to going to this place because it’s calming. The staff is amazing. They check in on you, you feel relaxed. All that I can tell you is, to be honest, that I feel I have my life back. And I feel myself. I’m a positive person. I’m just blessed. I thank God every single day to have found this treatment, to have found his medication. So, there is hope. That’s what I want people to know. There is hope and don’t be afraid to try anything new.” – Glenis S.
For many of Dr. B’s patients, the response to this therapy has been fairly robust. “I have seen Spravato be helpful for about 80%-90% of our patients,” states Dr. B. “What is important to appreciate is that these are people who have not had success with multiple other interventions and so fall into the most hard to treat population. Their positive response to Spravato has offered them a lifeline, and for many of our patients, it has been life-changing and transformative.” Typically, antidepressants may take months to show improvement, however, with Spravato, results often begin to show in the first few weeks, sometimes even after the first few treatments.
Research suggests that the treatment works by healing the section of brain called the association cortex, which is where new connections and different perspectives are made. Oftentimes, people with depression get stuck in a self-reinforcing mental loop of negative self-talk and expectations. This is especially true for those who have experienced trauma in their lives. Spravato can start breaking down that loop so the patients can look at their life stories from a different angle, and this helps them process the trauma and move past it. Patients who have a successful response also report “feeling themselves again” and express more positive emotions.
“I have been a patient of Dr. B’s for a few years. They asked me if I’d like to try this new treatment, Spravato. It was several months before I decided to try it. Wow! The wellness room is so quiet and just a beautiful room. The first time I was nervous but the team talks you through it, letting you know what you might expect. Now I’m on maybe month three of treatment and I have to say that I feel almost myself. I just turned 53 and I haven’t felt good since I was 34. It’s now like watching my past trauma in a movie instead of reliving it. Whoever designed this treatment is incredible. It’s seriously a blessing.” — Gayle G.
There are some patients for whom Spravato may not be an ideal option, such as those with severe uncontrolled hypertension. The most common side effects are sedation (feeling sleepy), hypertension (increased blood pressure), nausea (feeling queasy), and disassociation (feeling a disconnect from reality). These side effects are very rare and always pass before the patient completes their two-hour treatment
The medication is a self-administered nasal spray once or twice a week at a Certified Treatment Center while relaxing in a calm and Zenlike treatment area. Patients are required to stay for at least two hours following treatment and are never left alone. Dr. B’s incredible clinical team connects with every patient at each treatment to offer guidance, medical support, and medication adjustments if necessary. The patient is always safe and attended to. The administrative staff works tirelessly to get the insurance companies to cover this life-changing treatment for Dr. B’s patients.
“I’ve had a lot of trauma in my life. I’d been in therapy for 20 years but nothing really allowed me to move on. A PA introduced me to Dr. B, and when I met him, I was very skeptical, and came in with an attitude. But Dr. B was just so kind that I went home I thinking this guy is for real. After checking with my psychiatrist, I decided to try the Spravato treatment. I went for the 10-week treatment. and I tell you it changed my life. Something just clicked. Not right away. I can’t even tell you like what session, it just happened. The only thing I can tell you is that I was able to now deal with things that I did not want to deal with before. I’m new person.” – Joann B.
With fewer than 20 centers for this type of treatment in New Jersey, it is not uncommon for patients to travel for this type of care. Spravato Treatment Centers of NJ is part of Premier MD—a core of family physicians that embrace complementary and alternative approaches to healing, from medical acupuncture to medical marijuana, and now Spravato/esketamine. With centers in Bridgewater and Morristown, patients are welcomed from across New Jersey and neighboring states.
Locations: 757 Rte 202-206, Ste. 104, Bridgewater, and 25 Linsley Dr., Ste. 312, Morristown. For more information, call 908-450-7002 or email [email protected], and visit SpravatoNJ.com.