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Natural Awakenings North Central New Jersey

Common Foods Aren’t Always Common Sense

Aug 30, 2023 04:43PM ● By Joe Dunne

For the last 50+ years I have noticed red, green and blue dyes being added to our drinks, foods and snacks. To me it’s just common sense, but it does not feel right to be putting these and other chemicals on my skin, hair and in my body. What is now in milk to enable an expiration date a month after we buy it? Why do we continue distribution of products, drinks and foods in the USA that have been rejected by Europe because they contain banned chemicals, some even linked to cancer?

To me, it’s common sense that natural and organic is healthier than chemically treated. Homegrown is preferred. Growing fruits and vegetables here in America is more desirable—the more local, the better—as is seasonal rather than year-around from all over the world. It fractures my mind to think that preservatives are in my best interests.   

My beliefs and thoughts have led me to understand that everything is still my responsibility. My health is one of the most important aspects of living, and yes, it’s my responsibility.  

Having open heart surgery at the age of 47 triggered a process of learning. I became a vegetarian for over 12 years, then went to chicken as my only meat, then back to vegetarian. Now, a plant-based diet is what I follow. After reading the China Study I became convinced that my diet, what I put into my body, must be tied to facts and good common sense. For the most part, I think I have taken good care of myself, though improving is always the driver.  

What I haven’t paid enough attention to is sugar. I knew to watch it, but it’s hidden in everything, so it’s somewhat challenging to track. On the edge of diabetes, I am now focused and committed to paying attention to sugar, empty carbohydrates and eating with intention. 

I continue to study the effects of sugar and where it hides in my dietary choices to make common sense adjustments. Sugar is a hook—who doesn’t like sweet? But the amount of sugar in our everyday diet, in most cases, is over the top. Who eats a quarter cup of cereal? I am shocked at how much sugar or added sugar yogurt with fruit contains, bread, juice, soda (I do not drink), the sheer amount we consume in a day, a week and a month. The facts are in, and it’s clear our society is on the wrong path. 

As I approach January and my 80th year, my health is paramount to my goal of living a disease-free life. It just makes common sense to me to stick around as long as I can, and in order to make that goal, I must be responsible to me and for me. To reach my goal of 102 in good shape and tootling around in my Google-driven car, good health is the key. 

In peace, love and laughter,

Joe Dunne, Publisher