Harnessing the Power to Heal
Jan 12, 2025 10:11AM ● By Jerome Bilaos
by Janet StraightArrow
Healing is a lifestyle with exciting results. There is great joy and abundance that fills us when we trust and live our nature to claim health and take exquisite care of ourselves.
Our attitude and choices make all the difference in our health and wellness. Our decision to be happy helps us let go of what makes us hurt, breakdown and make us feel hopeless. Our ability to put ourselves first helps us stay in touch with what is occurring in our body and life so we can make healthy changes.
My life has been a journey of healing, learning, living, and sharing how to heal and live a full and happy life. It began with a diagnosis that I chose not to follow and took me on a search for a new way to live.
In 1967, my 43-year-old father was dying. I was pretty sickly at 15. My immunity was low, and I suffered physical pains and continual health challenges that often kept me out of school. Our family doctor told me that I had a short painful life ahead. This woke me up, from shock to new life. I somehow knew that we did not have to be sick and in pain. I wanted to figure out how to heal and be free of the burdens my body and mind were carrying. No one offered lifetime healing and overcoming what caused disease, or ways of raising my low immunity. I had to figure it out for myself and I did with great tenacity.
Humans, animals, and all of nature are self-healing. I decided I needed to learn how to align my actions with my body’s wisdom and ability to heal itself.
I saw my future as a happy, healthy elder, teaching others how they could do this too. Be The Medicine was born as my mission and purpose then. I lived it all along the way. I have researched traditional and non-traditional worldwide healing ways to learn how to realign and bring us into perfect health. This has been an amazing adventure with great rewards. Continuously asking questions and finding answers that I followed and continuously invested in. Never doubting our ability to reclaim our health, I stayed curious and open, to resolve even the simplest things.
Fifty-eight years later, I have healed myself, body, mind, emotions, spirit, and soul continually, and love helping people find their own healing path and trust their innate abilities.
We tend to heal with pieces of the puzzle, like meditation, yoga, breathwork, nutrition, and all manner of good helpful things. There are important foundational realities to support us and activate that make all the difference. Begin with these basics below.
PERFECT HEALTH. Our nature is perfect health. Be inspired each day to allow healing and remove anything that gets in the way. Seek answers when you are challenged.
COMPLETE HEALING. The focus is not just feeling a little better, or a lack of symptoms. We want full functioning. The more directly and completely that we focus on perfect health, and follow what helps, the better the results
OUR BODY REBUILDS DAILY. Our cells replicate daily. Learn exactly what will help you heal in ways that continue to offer results.
SPIRITUAL HEALING. We are spiritual beings that factor into being whole and healed. I was inspired by the stories about Jesus, and other masters who taught and lived unconditional love, healing energy, and transformation, and I found ways to live them.
HAPPINESS AND LIFE SATISFACTION. Happiness is a high energy that is our nature too. We all deserve a healthy happy life.
POSITIVE FOCUS. Building a positive loving health focus makes all the difference. Shut down thoughts and beliefs that sabotage your efforts and refocus on health.
CHOOSE. It’s all about us continuously choosing to live a long healthy, happy, life. Our body’s intelligence follows our intentions and actions. Stay with it and be amazed.
RESPONSIBILITY. We stand in our own body and mind and live true to ourselves. No one else can heal us without our full participation.
NO FEAR OR DOUBT. Over the decades people allow beliefs to block their healing. Release whatever beliefs and fears that keep you away from allowing full living and health.
SUMMARY. I hope this encourages you to explore new ways to look at and experience life and health. This paradigm to focus on health first helps you make the best choices. Focus on the highest possibility. Change is good and necessary. If I had stayed living on the life path I was on in my family, I would not be alive, healthy, happy, and here now.
I hope this inspires you to look at your health in new ways that support you. As self-healing beings we can learn to work with ourselves to have more energy, clarity, and health as well as awaken our personal gifts and abilities in ways we have yet to imagine.
Have great fun with the process.
Janet StraightArrow, founder of Be The Medicine, is a master healer, shaman, teacher, guide, and coach dedicated to helping students help themselves. Janet offers private sessions and workshops, trainings, and retreats. She is currently putting several works/books together to be out in the next years to support your journey.
Be The Medicine is located in Chester, New Jersey. For information contact Janet StraightArrow at 973-647-2500 or [email protected]. Visit BeTheMedicine.com. See ad, page 13.